A selection of quotes on singing by Sri Chinmoy  // 

God the Singer
Is exceptionally happy
When the seekers’ aspiration-hearts
Join Him in singing.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service Trees, #20,722

There is not a single moment
When our heartbeat is not singing a song.
But we must make sure that this song
Is either earth-illumining
Or Heaven-fulfilling,
Or both.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 228, #22,705

Not how you sing
But for Whom you sing
Is of supreme importance.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 75, #7,423

Every morning I offer two songs
To my Lord Beloved Supreme:
My mind’s enthusiasm-song
And my heart’s gratitude-song.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service Trees, #539

A selection of quotes on enthusiasm by Sri Chinmoy

Enthusiasm is our inner beauty.
Enthusiasm is our inner determination.
Enthusiasm is our love of God-oneness.
Enthusiasm is the capacity to destroy the unaspiring past in us.
Enthusiasm is the capacity to expedite our aspiration-journey.
When we have enthusiasm in our body, vital, mind, heart and soul,
God immediately starts playing, singing and dancing.
Our enthusiasm is God’s immediate Pride in us.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Rainbow-Flowers, Part 2

Depression and enthusiasm
Are immediate neighbours.
I must make the right choice.
I must go immediately
And live with enthusiasm

—Sri Chinmoy,
My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, Part 30, #83

Is of supreme importance.
Before we embark
On our spiritual journey,
While we are on the journey
And at the end of our journey’s close,
Is our constant, sleepless need.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, #16,085

My Lord,
I am praying to You
Only for one thing:
My enthusiasm-rebirth.

—Sri Chinmoy,
 Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, #17,810

In the spiritual life
Nothing is as important
As enthusiasm.
When one loses one’s enthusiasm,
One loses everything.

—Sri Chinmoy,
Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 65, #6,430

Every day pray to God
To bless you with new enthusiasm.
Otherwise your old enthusiasm
May at any time evaporate.

—Sri Chinmoy,
 Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 256, #25,597